From April, Derbyshire Carers Association are the main support service for young carers in Derbyshir

Young carers are children under 18 with caring responsibilities. For this group, DCA now provide a confidential service; offering support, signposting and information to young carers

DCA identify and engage with young carers and their families to assess their needs and provide appropriate guidance, support groups and social activities. The new service includes increasing robust, suitable identification, signposting and support within all areas, especially educational networks such as schools and
colleges with an emphasis on training and employment.

There is a focus on activity within schools and colleges to ensure young carers can be identified and referred into our service for continued support and advice.

DCA will raise awareness of Young Carers including issues effecting Young Carers and their families and how to refer to appropriate services through our existing communication and marketing streams. These include Hospital and GP Liaison teams, Colleges and Universities, Statutory Services and throughout the Voluntary Sector. We will work with schools to increase identification, support and networking. DCA will incorporate Young Carers Awareness within our existing package to be delivered to Health, Statutory and Voluntary Teams including referral pathways and how to identify Young Carers.

Young Carers can be referred via telephone, secure website and email using the Referral Form

Following initial assessment Young Carers will complete a Support Plan and receive interventions appropriate to their level of needs.

These can include:

• One-to-one support
• Information and Advice
• Social Activates and peer support
• Support Groups and Specialist Group Work
• Advocacy and Mediation Support
• Signposting and Transitional Support
• Education, Training and Employment Support.
• Whole Family Activities and sibling support

Each Young Carer will have a designated Carer Support Worker for consistency and familiarity. Young Carers and their families will receive up to date information and online support through a variety of means including websites, Young Carers newsletters and managed social media.

Working together with the Derbyshire Youth Council we will introduce ‘Buddies’ within schools and offer free safeguarding training to youth council members to enable them to support Young Carers within their schools / colleges.

Young Carers Support

If you’re a young carer, health professional or would like to know more please call us on 01773 833833